Saturday, March 5, 2011

Some last thoughts about Paris

Ok, ok, I know I just published a book about what I did in Paris, but by the time that I got to the end of my activities, I was too tired to write about my feelings. This'll be short, but I just had to express how much I was in love with Paris!
I was a little tentative going to Paris. I really wanted to go and was excited to, but I figured I wouldn't like it because I had heard all the people were so mean. Well please, if you get one thing out of reading my blog, please erase that stereotype out of your head! The Parisians were the nicest people I have ever met as a whole. The language barrier was no problem because most everyone spoke English and didn't have a problem about speaking English to us. The Parisians went above and beyond their jobs to help us poor hopeless Americans out. For example, the first restaraunt we went to, we kind of communicated our language difficulties with the waiter and he smiled and stepped over to the computer right by us. I was able to see him log onto the computer and go to googletranslate and look up the English words for the French food. It was so so nice! Also, the couple sitting next to us talked our ear off and gave us about 20 different foods ideas to try while in Paris. One day when we were just roaming around the city, we were being the typical tourists and holding the map right in front of our face when a really nice guy who barely spoke any English came up and asked us what street we were looking for. He then proceeded to give us some really choppy, but great directions. I also got 2 free postcards from this like garage sale thing where Attie and Brittany were wanting to buy really cool old postcards. Well I didn't really want any, but before I left he gave me two. It was really cute!
The last thing I want to talk about from the Paris trip was the food! Someone can't go to Paris and not talk about the food. Although everything cost an arm and a leg to eat there, I think it was the best food I've eaten since I've gotten over here. For those of you who don't know, the spicy Mexican tacos and tortillas don't exist in Spain. I like Spain's food a lot and love their tapas, but most of their food is very bland and you only get served a main dish, so there's not much variety. (Just different, not bad!) In America, I'm used to eating a main entrée of meat with then some kind of potatoes and then veggie or fruit. Well, in that aspect, France was a lot similar. All of our meals were "deal meals" where you paid a lump sum of like 20 dollars a meal but you got an appetizer, entrée and delicious dessert! In Paris I had my first steak since I'd been over here, a great french onion soup (although Whiskey's, it had nothing on yours!), quiche, tartiflette (a really good food with bacon, cheese, potatoes and onions), and lots more great food with even better desserts!
All in all, Paris was just a delight! I would definitely travel there again in a heartbeat! I will be in Barcelona this time next weekend! I'm looking forward to seeing the beach there! Pray for good weather so I can put my new bathing suits to use!

Hasta Luego,


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