Wednesday, May 25, 2011

End Credits

So I'm finally getting around to my last post! Its kind of sad and crazy to believe that just 4.5 months ago I was writing my first post talking about how nervous/excited I was to be going on this trip. January seems ages ago and I think I've really accomplished a lot since then. I'd like to use this last post to kind of sum up my feelings about my semester in Europe and also thank all of you who read my blog! Seriously, it meant so much to know that I had loved ones at home still thinking about me

So the first thing I'd like to do, I guess you could say, is brag a little bit about myself. I'm so proud of everything I've done this semester.

  • I have visited 8 countries and 14 cities
    • Spain (Sevilla, Cadiz, Cordoba, Granada, Madrid, Barcelona)
    • France (Paris)
    • Ireland (Dublin and the country side)
    • Italy (Venice and Rome)
    • Germany (Berlin)
    • Czech Republic (Prague)
    • England (London)
    • Portugal (Lisbon)
  • I no have the confidence to get around in any city in the world no matter the language or transportation. Whether its a metro, plane, bus, taxi, boat or by foot with only a map in my hand I KNOW I can get around. Something I NEVER would have known how to do before this trip.
  • I have overcome the obstacle of not always having the choice/say in the things that I want/need to live comfortably.
    • Not being able to chose what I was fed (hotdogs, hamburgers, fries, pizza, every night for dinner)
    • Not being able to chose when I ate (11pm dinner every night)
    • Not being able to do my own laundry or ask to have it done. Having to go 2-3 weeks with dirty clothes.
    • Not being able to say, mom, unclog the sink, thats disgusting. Or dad seriously, do not shave (or smoke) in the clogged sink.
  • I have lived thousands of miles away from my family and friends for 4.5 months by myself in an unknown and different city and have discovered what it means to truly be an independent person
  • I can now speak Spanish fluently. Even if I don't know a word (which there are still lots of words I don't know, I have the ability and high level vocabulary that I can successfully talk around the word and describe it until my listener understands what I am talking about.
  • I understand and comprehend the worst Spanish accent there is (Andalusian!...Ask ANY Spanaird and they will salute you if you can understand Andalusian dialect). They cut off their "s" and "t" and say "th" for "z" and "s". Instead of hasta luego, its said "aa lue", another example is when they say "ya esta", it is pronounce "yata"
  • I can even pick up a few speech impediments that a normal listener to Spanish couldn't. (Alaina couldn't hear any difference when a Spanish girl obviously was slurring her "s")

I also thought it might be fun to do a fake award ceremony and tell you my favorites/worsts/tops/and bottoms of everything I was able to see in Europe. I do this because people always ask me what my favorite city was. There is NO answer to that because they were all different and unique in their own way. I really don't have a favorite, but I thought I'd share my favorite aspects of each city.

Best Hostel
1. Dublin
2. Rome

Worst Hostel

Best Nightlife

Best Church
1.Basilica San Marco-Venice
2.St. James-Prague
3.St. Peter's Basilica-Rome

(Runner Up- Madrid)

Best Parks

Best Touristy Attractions

Best Food

Worst Metro

Best Metro
1. Sevilla (one year old, only one line)
2.Paris (best biggest metro)

Friendliest Citizens

Rudest Citizens

Best people met in the hostels
1. Barcelona

Yay! I can't believe I'm done with my semester abroad already! It has gone by so fast and I had such a wonderful experience. I've caught the travel bug and already have 2 future trips planned out. I want to see the world now and these past 4.5 months have really given me a step up to get out in the world and do so!!! It was the semester of a lifetime and I am so thankful to have been given the chance to travel abroad!

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